Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- data DbPathAndTableName = DbPathAndTableName (Maybe FilePath) (Maybe String)
- data Interval = Interval {}
- data UpTo
- = SlotNo SlotNo
- | Infinity
- | CurrentTip
- data ConcurrencyPrimitive
- data LocalChainsyncRuntime = LocalChainsyncRuntime {
- localNodeConnection :: LocalNodeConnectInfo CardanoMode
- interval :: (ChainPoint, UpTo)
- securityParam :: SecurityParam
- logging :: Bool
- profiling :: Maybe ProfilingConfig
- pipelineSize :: Word32
- concurrencyPrimitive :: ConcurrencyPrimitive
- type LocalChainsyncConfig_ = LocalChainsyncConfig (Either NetworkId NodeConfig)
- data LocalChainsyncConfig a = LocalChainsyncConfig {}
- newtype NodeInfo a = NodeInfo (Either NodeFolder (SocketPath, a))
- class Indexer a => IndexerHttpApi a where
- type CheckpointPredicateInterval = UTCTime -> UTCTime -> Bool
- data CheckpointInterval
- newtype BatchSize = BatchSize Natural
- data BatchState a
- = BatchState {
- lastCheckpointTime :: UTCTime
- slotNoBhh :: SlotNoBhh
- indexerState :: State a
- batchFill :: BatchSize
- bufferedEvents :: [[Event a]]
- | BatchEmpty {
- lastCheckpointTime :: UTCTime
- slotNoBhh :: SlotNoBhh
- indexerState :: State a
- | NoProgress {
- chainPointAtStart :: ChainPoint
- lastCheckpointTime :: UTCTime
- = BatchState {
- type RunIndexer = BatchSize -> Stop -> Checkpoint -> ChainsyncStats -> Severity -> CheckpointInterval -> IO ()
- class Indexer a where
- data Runtime a
- data Event a
- data State a
- description :: Text
- parseCli :: Parser a
- toEvents :: Runtime a -> State a -> BlockInMode CardanoMode -> (State a, [Event a])
- initialize :: a -> Trace IO Text -> IO (State a, LocalChainsyncRuntime, Runtime a)
- persistMany :: Runtime a -> [Event a] -> IO ()
- checkpoint :: Runtime a -> State a -> (SlotNo, Hash BlockHeader) -> IO ()
- runIndexer :: forall a. (Indexer a, Show a) => a -> Maybe (Runtime a -> MVar (State a, BatchState a) -> IO ()) -> RunIndexer
- getBatchFill :: BatchState a -> BatchSize
- getBufferedEvents :: BatchState a -> [[Event a]]
- persistStep :: forall a. Indexer a => Trace IO Text -> Runtime a -> Checkpoint -> BatchSize -> CheckpointPredicateInterval -> BatchState a -> (SlotNoBhh, [Event a], State a) -> IO (BatchState a)
- persistStepFinal :: Indexer a => Runtime a -> BatchState a -> Trace IO Text -> IO (Maybe ChainPoint)
- checkpointIntervalPredicate :: CheckpointInterval -> CheckpointPredicateInterval
- initialNotice :: Show a => a -> BatchSize -> Severity -> CheckpointInterval -> Trace IO Text -> IO ()
- modifyStartingPoint :: LocalChainsyncRuntime -> (ChainPoint -> ChainPoint) -> LocalChainsyncRuntime
- initializeLocalChainsync :: LocalChainsyncConfig a -> NetworkId -> Trace IO Text -> IO LocalChainsyncRuntime
- initializeLocalChainsync_ :: LocalChainsyncConfig_ -> Trace IO Text -> IO LocalChainsyncRuntime
- rollbackRingBuffer :: SecurityParam -> Stream (Of (ChainSyncEvent (BlockInMode CardanoMode))) IO () -> Stream (Of (BlockInMode CardanoMode)) IO ()
- blockProducer :: forall r. LocalNodeConnectInfo CardanoMode -> Word32 -> ChainPoint -> ConcurrencyPrimitive -> Stream (Of (ChainSyncEvent (BlockInMode CardanoMode))) IO r
- takeUpTo :: Trace IO Text -> UpTo -> Stop -> Stream (Of (ChainSyncEvent (BlockInMode mode))) IO () -> Stream (Of (ChainSyncEvent (BlockInMode mode))) IO ()
- loadLatestTrace :: String -> IO a -> (FilePath -> IO a) -> Trace IO Text -> IO (a, ChainPoint)
- query1 :: (ToField q, FromRow r) => Connection -> Query -> q -> IO [r]
- mkParam :: ToField v => Query -> Text -> v -> (NamedParam, Query)
- andFilters :: [Query] -> Query
- defaultTableName :: String -> DbPathAndTableName -> (FilePath, String)
- sqliteInitCheckpoints :: Connection -> IO ()
- setCheckpointSqlite :: Connection -> String -> (SlotNo, Hash BlockHeader) -> IO ()
- getCheckpointSqlite :: Connection -> String -> IO (Maybe ChainPoint)
- initializeSqlite :: FilePath -> String -> IO (Connection, ChainPoint)
- sqliteOpen :: FilePath -> IO Connection
- eventsToSingleChainpoint :: [(SlotNo, Hash BlockHeader)] -> Maybe ChainPoint
- chainPointForSlotNo :: Connection -> String -> SlotNo -> IO (Maybe ChainPoint)
- previousChainPointForSlotNo :: Connection -> String -> SlotNo -> IO (Maybe ChainPoint)
- intervalStartToChainSyncStart :: Trace IO Text -> Maybe DbPathAndTableName -> (Bool, Either SlotNo ChainPoint) -> IO ChainPoint
- mkMaybeAddressFilter :: [Address ShelleyAddr] -> Maybe (Address ShelleyAddr -> Bool)
- todo :: a
- data TxIndexInBlock
- data LedgerEra
- newtype SocketPath = SocketPath FilePath
- newtype NodeConfig = NodeConfig FilePath
- newtype NodeFolder = NodeFolder FilePath
- type SlotNoBhh = (SlotNo, Hash BlockHeader)
- getSecurityParamAndNetworkId :: FilePath -> IO (SecurityParam, NetworkId)
- getNetworkId :: FilePath -> IO NetworkId
- tipDistance :: BlockInMode mode -> ChainTip -> Natural
- querySecurityParam :: LocalNodeConnectInfo CardanoMode -> IO SecurityParam
- blockChainPoint :: BlockInMode mode -> ChainPoint
- blockSlotNoBhh :: BlockInMode mode -> SlotNoBhh
- blockSlotNo :: BlockInMode mode -> SlotNo
- chainPointSlotNo :: ChainPoint -> SlotNo
- foldYield :: Monad m => (st -> a -> m (st, b)) -> st -> Stream (Of a) m r -> Stream (Of b) m r
- defaultConfigStderrSeverity :: Severity -> IO Configuration
- slotEra :: SlotNo -> LedgerEra
- allDatums :: Tx era -> [(Hash ScriptData, ScriptData)]
- plutusDatums :: [Tx era] -> [(Hash ScriptData, ScriptData)]
- txPlutusDatums :: Tx era -> [(Hash ScriptData, ScriptData)]
- txAddressDatums :: Tx era -> [(AddressAny, Either (Hash ScriptData) (Hash ScriptData, ScriptData))]
- txDatums :: Tx era -> [Either (Hash ScriptData) (Hash ScriptData, ScriptData)]
- maybeDatum :: TxOut CtxTx era -> Maybe (Either (Hash ScriptData) (Hash ScriptData, ScriptData))
- newtype AssetIdString = AssetIdString AssetId
- newtype SlotNoBhhString = SlotNoBhhString SlotNoBhh
- renderPretty :: Pretty a => a -> Text
- traceInfo :: Trace IO Text -> Doc () -> IO ()
- type CurrentEra = BabbageEra
data DbPathAndTableName #
Show DbPathAndTableName # | |
Defined in Mafoc.Core showsPrec :: Int -> DbPathAndTableName -> ShowS # show :: DbPathAndTableName -> String # showList :: [DbPathAndTableName] -> ShowS # |
SlotNo SlotNo | |
Infinity | |
CurrentTip |
data ConcurrencyPrimitive #
This is a very internal data type to help swap the concurrency primitive used to pass blocks from the local chainsync's green thread to the indexer.
Bounded ConcurrencyPrimitive # | |
Defined in Mafoc.Core | |
Enum ConcurrencyPrimitive # | |
Defined in Mafoc.Core succ :: ConcurrencyPrimitive -> ConcurrencyPrimitive # pred :: ConcurrencyPrimitive -> ConcurrencyPrimitive # toEnum :: Int -> ConcurrencyPrimitive # fromEnum :: ConcurrencyPrimitive -> Int # enumFrom :: ConcurrencyPrimitive -> [ConcurrencyPrimitive] # enumFromThen :: ConcurrencyPrimitive -> ConcurrencyPrimitive -> [ConcurrencyPrimitive] # enumFromTo :: ConcurrencyPrimitive -> ConcurrencyPrimitive -> [ConcurrencyPrimitive] # enumFromThenTo :: ConcurrencyPrimitive -> ConcurrencyPrimitive -> ConcurrencyPrimitive -> [ConcurrencyPrimitive] # | |
Read ConcurrencyPrimitive # | |
Defined in Mafoc.Core | |
Show ConcurrencyPrimitive # | |
Defined in Mafoc.Core showsPrec :: Int -> ConcurrencyPrimitive -> ShowS # show :: ConcurrencyPrimitive -> String # showList :: [ConcurrencyPrimitive] -> ShowS # |
data LocalChainsyncRuntime #
Static configuration for block source
LocalChainsyncRuntime | |
type LocalChainsyncConfig_ = LocalChainsyncConfig (Either NetworkId NodeConfig) #
data LocalChainsyncConfig a #
Configuration for local chainsync streaming setup.
IsLabel "getNetworkId" (LocalChainsyncConfig NodeConfig -> IO NetworkId) # | |
Defined in Mafoc.Core fromLabel :: LocalChainsyncConfig NodeConfig -> IO NetworkId # | |
IsLabel "getNetworkId" (LocalChainsyncConfig_ -> IO NetworkId) # | |
Defined in Mafoc.Core fromLabel :: LocalChainsyncConfig_ -> IO NetworkId # | |
IsLabel "nodeConfig" (LocalChainsyncConfig NodeConfig -> NodeConfig) # | |
Defined in Mafoc.Core | |
IsLabel "socketPath" (LocalChainsyncConfig a -> SocketPath) # | |
Defined in Mafoc.Core fromLabel :: LocalChainsyncConfig a -> SocketPath # | |
Show a => Show (LocalChainsyncConfig a) # | |
Defined in Mafoc.Core showsPrec :: Int -> LocalChainsyncConfig a -> ShowS # show :: LocalChainsyncConfig a -> String # showList :: [LocalChainsyncConfig a] -> ShowS # |
NodeInfo (Either NodeFolder (SocketPath, a)) |
IsLabel "getNetworkId" (NodeInfo NodeConfig -> IO NetworkId) # | |
Defined in Mafoc.Core fromLabel :: NodeInfo NodeConfig -> IO NetworkId # | |
IsLabel "nodeConfig" (NodeInfo NodeConfig -> NodeConfig) # | |
Defined in Mafoc.Core fromLabel :: NodeInfo NodeConfig -> NodeConfig # | |
IsLabel "socketPath" (NodeInfo a -> SocketPath) # | |
Defined in Mafoc.Core fromLabel :: NodeInfo a -> SocketPath # | |
Show a => Show (NodeInfo a) # | |
class Indexer a => IndexerHttpApi a where #
type CheckpointPredicateInterval = UTCTime -> UTCTime -> Bool #
data CheckpointInterval #
Show CheckpointInterval # | |
Defined in Mafoc.Core showsPrec :: Int -> CheckpointInterval -> ShowS # show :: CheckpointInterval -> String # showList :: [CheckpointInterval] -> ShowS # | |
Eq CheckpointInterval # | |
Defined in Mafoc.Core (==) :: CheckpointInterval -> CheckpointInterval -> Bool # (/=) :: CheckpointInterval -> CheckpointInterval -> Bool # |
Enum BatchSize # | |
Defined in Mafoc.Core succ :: BatchSize -> BatchSize # pred :: BatchSize -> BatchSize # fromEnum :: BatchSize -> Int # enumFrom :: BatchSize -> [BatchSize] # enumFromThen :: BatchSize -> BatchSize -> [BatchSize] # enumFromTo :: BatchSize -> BatchSize -> [BatchSize] # enumFromThenTo :: BatchSize -> BatchSize -> BatchSize -> [BatchSize] # | |
Num BatchSize # | |
Read BatchSize # | |
Show BatchSize # | |
Eq BatchSize # | |
Ord BatchSize # | |
Defined in Mafoc.Core |
data BatchState a #
BatchState | |
| |
BatchEmpty | |
| |
NoProgress | |
type RunIndexer = BatchSize -> Stop -> Checkpoint -> ChainsyncStats -> Severity -> CheckpointInterval -> IO () #
Class for an indexer. The argument a
doubles as both a type
representation (a "tag") for the indexer, and also as the initial
configuration required to run the indexer.
The a
itself doubles as cli configuration, no need for the following:
type Config a = r | r -> a
Runtime configuration, i.e the reader for the indexer, used for e.g the db connection, for communication with other threads (respond to queries).
Event type, i.e the "business requirement". Any input block is converted to zero or more events which are then to be persisted.
The fold state. Some don't require a state so, for those it's defined as a data type with no fields, equivalent to unit. As a consequence these indexers can be resumed from arbitrary chain points on request.
description :: Text #
A text description of the indexer, used for help messages.
A CLI parser for a
toEvents :: Runtime a -> State a -> BlockInMode CardanoMode -> (State a, [Event a]) #
Convert a state and a block to events and a new state.
initialize :: a -> Trace IO Text -> IO (State a, LocalChainsyncRuntime, Runtime a) #
Initialize an indexer from a
to a runtime for local
chainsync, indexer's runtime configuration and the indexer state.
persistMany :: Runtime a -> [Event a] -> IO () #
Persist many events at a time, defaults to mapping over events with persist.
checkpoint :: Runtime a -> State a -> (SlotNo, Hash BlockHeader) -> IO () #
Checkpoint indexer by writing the chain point and the state at that point, destination being provided by the runtime. Checkpoints are used for resuming
runIndexer :: forall a. (Indexer a, Show a) => a -> Maybe (Runtime a -> MVar (State a, BatchState a) -> IO ()) -> RunIndexer #
Run an indexer
getBatchFill :: BatchState a -> BatchSize #
getBufferedEvents :: BatchState a -> [[Event a]] #
persistStep :: forall a. Indexer a => Trace IO Text -> Runtime a -> Checkpoint -> BatchSize -> CheckpointPredicateInterval -> BatchState a -> (SlotNoBhh, [Event a], State a) -> IO (BatchState a) #
persistStepFinal :: Indexer a => Runtime a -> BatchState a -> Trace IO Text -> IO (Maybe ChainPoint) #
initialNotice :: Show a => a -> BatchSize -> Severity -> CheckpointInterval -> Trace IO Text -> IO () #
modifyStartingPoint :: LocalChainsyncRuntime -> (ChainPoint -> ChainPoint) -> LocalChainsyncRuntime #
initializeLocalChainsync :: LocalChainsyncConfig a -> NetworkId -> Trace IO Text -> IO LocalChainsyncRuntime #
initializeLocalChainsync_ :: LocalChainsyncConfig_ -> Trace IO Text -> IO LocalChainsyncRuntime #
Resolve LocalChainsyncConfig
that came from e.g command line
arguments into an "actionable" LocalChainsyncRuntime
config which can be used to generate a stream of blocks.
rollbackRingBuffer :: SecurityParam -> Stream (Of (ChainSyncEvent (BlockInMode CardanoMode))) IO () -> Stream (Of (BlockInMode CardanoMode)) IO () #
blockProducer :: forall r. LocalNodeConnectInfo CardanoMode -> Word32 -> ChainPoint -> ConcurrencyPrimitive -> Stream (Of (ChainSyncEvent (BlockInMode CardanoMode))) IO r #
takeUpTo :: Trace IO Text -> UpTo -> Stop -> Stream (Of (ChainSyncEvent (BlockInMode mode))) IO () -> Stream (Of (ChainSyncEvent (BlockInMode mode))) IO () #
query1 :: (ToField q, FromRow r) => Connection -> Query -> q -> IO [r] #
Helper to query with a single param
andFilters :: [Query] -> Query #
Convert [":field1 = field1", ":field2 = field2"]
into ":field1 = field1 AND :field2 = field2"
defaultTableName :: String -> DbPathAndTableName -> (FilePath, String) #
sqliteInitCheckpoints :: Connection -> IO () #
setCheckpointSqlite :: Connection -> String -> (SlotNo, Hash BlockHeader) -> IO () #
getCheckpointSqlite :: Connection -> String -> IO (Maybe ChainPoint) #
Get checkpoint (the place where we left off) for an indexer with name
initializeSqlite :: FilePath -> String -> IO (Connection, ChainPoint) #
If ChainPointAtGenesis is returned, then there was no chain point in the database.
sqliteOpen :: FilePath -> IO Connection #
eventsToSingleChainpoint :: [(SlotNo, Hash BlockHeader)] -> Maybe ChainPoint #
chainPointForSlotNo :: Connection -> String -> SlotNo -> IO (Maybe ChainPoint) #
previousChainPointForSlotNo :: Connection -> String -> SlotNo -> IO (Maybe ChainPoint) #
intervalStartToChainSyncStart :: Trace IO Text -> Maybe DbPathAndTableName -> (Bool, Either SlotNo ChainPoint) -> IO ChainPoint #
Convert starting point from CLI to chainpoint, possibly with the help of header DB.
mkMaybeAddressFilter :: [Address ShelleyAddr] -> Maybe (Address ShelleyAddr -> Bool) #
data TxIndexInBlock #
newtype SocketPath #
IsString SocketPath # | |
Defined in Mafoc.Upstream fromString :: String -> SocketPath # | |
Show SocketPath # | |
Defined in Mafoc.Upstream showsPrec :: Int -> SocketPath -> ShowS # show :: SocketPath -> String # showList :: [SocketPath] -> ShowS # | |
IsLabel "socketPath" (LocalChainsyncConfig a -> SocketPath) # | |
Defined in Mafoc.Core fromLabel :: LocalChainsyncConfig a -> SocketPath # | |
IsLabel "socketPath" (NodeInfo a -> SocketPath) # | |
Defined in Mafoc.Core fromLabel :: NodeInfo a -> SocketPath # |
newtype NodeConfig #
newtype NodeFolder #
Not sure if anyone actually wants these upstreamed
IsString NodeFolder # | |
Defined in Mafoc.Upstream fromString :: String -> NodeFolder # | |
Show NodeFolder # | |
Defined in Mafoc.Upstream showsPrec :: Int -> NodeFolder -> ShowS # show :: NodeFolder -> String # showList :: [NodeFolder] -> ShowS # | |
IsLabel "nodeConfig" (NodeFolder -> NodeConfig) # | |
Defined in Mafoc.Upstream fromLabel :: NodeFolder -> NodeConfig # |
getSecurityParamAndNetworkId :: FilePath -> IO (SecurityParam, NetworkId) #
getNetworkId :: FilePath -> IO NetworkId #
tipDistance :: BlockInMode mode -> ChainTip -> Natural #
querySecurityParam :: LocalNodeConnectInfo CardanoMode -> IO SecurityParam #
blockChainPoint :: BlockInMode mode -> ChainPoint #
Create a ChainPoint from BlockInMode
blockSlotNoBhh :: BlockInMode mode -> SlotNoBhh #
blockSlotNo :: BlockInMode mode -> SlotNo #
chainPointSlotNo :: ChainPoint -> SlotNo #
foldYield :: Monad m => (st -> a -> m (st, b)) -> st -> Stream (Of a) m r -> Stream (Of b) m r #
Fold a stream of a
's, yield a stream of b
s, while keeping a state of @st".
defaultConfigStderrSeverity :: Severity -> IO Configuration #
plutusDatums :: [Tx era] -> [(Hash ScriptData, ScriptData)] #
Get a map of datum hash to datum from a list of transactions.
txPlutusDatums :: Tx era -> [(Hash ScriptData, ScriptData)] #
txAddressDatums :: Tx era -> [(AddressAny, Either (Hash ScriptData) (Hash ScriptData, ScriptData))] #
maybeDatum :: TxOut CtxTx era -> Maybe (Either (Hash ScriptData) (Hash ScriptData, ScriptData)) #
newtype AssetIdString #
Newtype of AssetId which renders as "policyId.assetName"
AssetIdString AssetId |
ToJSON AssetIdString # | |
Defined in Mafoc.Upstream.Formats toJSON :: AssetIdString -> Value toEncoding :: AssetIdString -> Encoding toJSONList :: [AssetIdString] -> Value toEncodingList :: [AssetIdString] -> Encoding | |
ToJSONKey AssetIdString # | |
Defined in Mafoc.Upstream.Formats toJSONKey :: ToJSONKeyFunction AssetIdString toJSONKeyList :: ToJSONKeyFunction [AssetIdString] | |
Eq AssetIdString # | |
Defined in Mafoc.Upstream.Formats (==) :: AssetIdString -> AssetIdString -> Bool # (/=) :: AssetIdString -> AssetIdString -> Bool # | |
Ord AssetIdString # | |
Defined in Mafoc.Upstream.Formats compare :: AssetIdString -> AssetIdString -> Ordering # (<) :: AssetIdString -> AssetIdString -> Bool # (<=) :: AssetIdString -> AssetIdString -> Bool # (>) :: AssetIdString -> AssetIdString -> Bool # (>=) :: AssetIdString -> AssetIdString -> Bool # max :: AssetIdString -> AssetIdString -> AssetIdString # min :: AssetIdString -> AssetIdString -> AssetIdString # |
newtype SlotNoBhhString #
ToJSON SlotNoBhhString # | |
Defined in Mafoc.Upstream.Formats toJSON :: SlotNoBhhString -> Value toEncoding :: SlotNoBhhString -> Encoding toJSONList :: [SlotNoBhhString] -> Value toEncodingList :: [SlotNoBhhString] -> Encoding | |
ToJSONKey SlotNoBhhString # | |
Defined in Mafoc.Upstream.Formats toJSONKey :: ToJSONKeyFunction SlotNoBhhString toJSONKeyList :: ToJSONKeyFunction [SlotNoBhhString] | |
Eq SlotNoBhhString # | |
Defined in Mafoc.Upstream.Formats (==) :: SlotNoBhhString -> SlotNoBhhString -> Bool # (/=) :: SlotNoBhhString -> SlotNoBhhString -> Bool # | |
Ord SlotNoBhhString # | |
Defined in Mafoc.Upstream.Formats compare :: SlotNoBhhString -> SlotNoBhhString -> Ordering # (<) :: SlotNoBhhString -> SlotNoBhhString -> Bool # (<=) :: SlotNoBhhString -> SlotNoBhhString -> Bool # (>) :: SlotNoBhhString -> SlotNoBhhString -> Bool # (>=) :: SlotNoBhhString -> SlotNoBhhString -> Bool # max :: SlotNoBhhString -> SlotNoBhhString -> SlotNoBhhString # min :: SlotNoBhhString -> SlotNoBhhString -> SlotNoBhhString # |
renderPretty :: Pretty a => a -> Text #
Re-exports from other packages
type CurrentEra = BabbageEra #