Docker (linux, macOS, Windows)
The easiest way to start mafoc is to use docker:
docker run --rm -it markus77/mafoc
The above lists all available indexers.
Start a specific indexer, say, to index datums:
docker run --rm -it \
-v /path/to/node.socket:/socket \
-v /path/to/node/config/folder:/config \
-v /var/mafoc:/db \
markus77/mafoc \
utxo --mainnet -s /socket --node-config /config/config.json --db /db/utxo.db
Notice how we mount in cardano-node's socket, configurations' folder, and also a folder for where to store the database.
On NixOS or Linux with the nix package manager the following should work:
nix develop
cabal install mafoc:exe:mafoc
mafoc utxo --mainnet -s /path/to/socket --node-config /path/to/configs --db /var/mafoc/utxo.db